
Epidemiologic survey on 17 major dietary plants and/or herbs suggests that Aloe is the only one that may prevent human carcinogenesis at various sites.

About the Aloe plant / Haya Marcovitch Slor

The alovera plant (Aloe – vera) is one of hundreds species of Aloes, some of which are known to have medicinal values.

The medicinal Aloes have more than 100 active components.

There are a lot of scientific publications in "Medline", the U.S National Library of Medicine, about Aloe and/or its different active components that show their efficiency and therapeutic effect on different types of cancer; on chronic bowel inflammations ( Crohn, Colitis and more ) ; on diabetes ; on high cholesterol and lipids in blood ; on different skin diseases (Herpes, Psoriasis and more ) ; on antifungal activity ( Candida ) ; on antibacterial activity (for example, against bacterium Helicobacter Pillory in stomach Ulcer ), on the anti-inflammatory activity (inflammation of joints), on antiviral activity, and more ( for studies and links about Aloe plant, click here).

In scientific researches on different types of cancer, there are two main components of Aloe, among many others, that have often been investigated for their anti-cancer activity:

a. Mannan / Acemannan of Aloe (Polysaccharide): It suppresses the activity and proliferation of the cancerous cells due to a mechanism effecting the immune system. It has a dual beneficial effect when applied to normal and tumoral cells at the same time by suppressing the activation of cancer cells and improving that of normal ones. In addition to the Aloe polysaccharides antitumor effects, it also enhances the antitumor activity of chemotherapy drugs and lessens their side-effects.

b. Aloe Emodin (Anthraquinone), acts directly upon cancer cells, stimulating their destruction and suppressing their proliferation. It induces apoptosis in different cell lines, with different antiproliferative mechanisms. Aloe emodin has been reported to be nontoxic for normal cells but to possess specific toxicity for the examined tumor cells.

In a study of 240 patients with different types of metastatic solid tumor, some received chemotherapy with Aloe and some without Aloe. It was found that the Aloe combined with the chemotherapy was successful in increasing its efficiency in terms of both tumor regression rate and survival time.

These publications ratify our extensive and positive experience over many years, dealing with different types of cancer, and the side effects of the conventional treatments, by using different medicinal species of Aloes..

23.71721515.63425992.smallAloe presentation-Finel

23.71721515.63425992.smallNational Library of Medicine

23.71721515.63425992.smallFirst encounter with the Aloe

23.71721515.63425992.smallFrom fairy tale to research

23.71721515.63425992.smallProf. Dan Palavitz