Question and answers

Why using the name "Aloe" and not "Alovera"? 

Alovera is actually compounded, from two words: Aloe and Vera. Vera indicates the species of Aloe. There are hundreds of different species of Aloes. Some of them known to be medicinal, including Alovera. The medicinal Aloes differ from each other by the concentration of some components.

Is the Aloe poisonous?

The medicinal species of Aloe are not poisonous. There is a poisonous Aloe which grows in South Africa and has the nickname "Rat Aloe", due to the smell that wafts from it ( rat carcass).

What is the characteristic that sets the Aloe apart from other medicinal herbs?

In general, medicinal plants contain one active component, which is produced for medical needs. Aloe contains at least 100 active components, including aromatic ones, located in various parts of the Aloe leaf.

Which therapeutic qualities are attributed to Aloe?

Aloe is known, not only in the folklore, but in scientific studies as well, as anti-cancerous, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungus, anti-bacterial, anti-diabetes, anti cholesterol & lipidemia. The Aloe was found effective for curing burns, diabetes, arthritis, and psoriasis, bowel diseases (ulcer, colitis, crohn), cholesterol and lipids in the blood and different cancer diseases.

There is a clinical study in which 240 patients with different types of cancer were treated with chemotherapy or with chemotherapy combined with Aloe. The group that received Aloe showed better results both concerning the withdrawal of the tumor and concerning the survival of the patients.

What is the importance of all leaf extract, compared with the gel of Aloe alone? 

There are 3 parts in the Aloe leaf:

  • Green rind (in the outside).
  • Mesophyll – Thin, yellow, bitter layer, containing anthraquinones like emodine*.
  • Parenchyma – clear gauzy gel (the inner part), containing acemannan*.

Aloe-Emodine was found effective in many cancer studies , by preventing proliferation of cancer cells and affecting their apoptosis (cell death).

Aloe-Acemannan was found effective in many cancer studies, by enhancing the immune system, specifically for anti-cancer activity.

Not only that both of them were found harmless for normal cells, but the Aloe-acemannan was found helpful for better function of normal cells.

Important comments:

  • Consuming high doses of the whole leaf extract (with the valuable yellow layer) could result in diarrhea. That's why it advised to begin with small dosage of Aloe and raise it gradually.
  • The main problem with the Aloe extract (in form of a gel or as a whole leaf extract) is keeping it biologically active all along the production process, so it will be an efficient product.