The effect of Aloe ingredients on different cancerous human cells

The effect of Aloe ingredients on different cancerous human cells (Summaries from PubMed – The U.S National Library of Medicine: 2001-2004)

a. The effect of Aloe mannan / acemannan on different cancerous human cells and normal cells:

Aloe mannan has a dual beneficial effect when applied to normal and tumoral cells at the same time by suppressing the activation and proliferation of cancer cells and improving that of normal ones.

b. The effect of the Aloe emodin on human cells infected with hepatic cancerous (cells Lines:G2 & 3B) , Merkel Cell Carcinoma, Lung squamous carcinoma and Lung nonsmall carcinoma:

Human liver cancer

• Aloe emidin induces apoptosis in different cell lines, with different antiproliferative mechanisms.

Merkel Cell Carcinoma

• Aloe emodin significantly inhibited the growth of MCC cells.

• Aloe emodin has been reported to be nontoxic for normal cells but to possess specific toxicity for neuroectodermal tumor cells.

Lung cell carcinoma

• Aloe emodin induces cell death in the human lung cell carcinoma.

• The expression of p38 is an important determinant of apoptotic death induced by aloe-emodin